Very good real time update by McAfee Anit-Hacker Community.

HackerWatch lets you report and share information that helps identify, combat, and prevent the spread of Internet threats and unwanted network traffic.

Security is becoming increasingly critical as the Internet continues to see a surge in intrusion attempts, phishing, hacking, and worm and virus outbreaks. However, with the assistance of users worldwide, HackerWatch offers a unique kind of Internet reconnaissance: by collecting and analyzing users’ firewall activity, we can identify intrusion attempts, track complex attack patterns, and disclose the sources and targets of Internet threats. The resulting information this provides is lasting in its instructiveness: it helps all of us understand, block, and prevent unwanted Internet traffic and future threats.
An effective way to reinforce security is to expose those elements which threaten it. This is why HackerWatch also provides reports and graphical up-to-date snapshots of unwanted Internet traffic and threats. Snapshots include critical port incidents graphs, worldwide port activity statistics, and target and source maps showing unwanted traffic and potential threats to Internet security.
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